Top 10 Cursed Objects That Are Pure Evil

Top 10 Cursed Objects That Are Pure Evil
cpower of being able to talk your way out of any situation which would be incredibly useful but there are always those who try to indulge in too much of a good thing the issues start when you attempt to take a piece of the stone no matter how small away from its home those who don't follow the rules and take the stone end up being cursed with bad luck every year the castle receives Parcels from greedy tourists who tried their luck at stealing portions of the stone these Parcels are returned with the intention of lifting the curse of Misfortune it is said that once the stone is returned the curse will be lifted which is most definitely good news I guess the moral of this curse however is to not be greedy and just follow the rules starting off this list in our number 10 spot we have the crying children paintings these paintings were a series created by an Italian painter who is known as Giovanni but his real name was Bruno Amarillo Bruno was born in Venice in 1911 and fought in World War II which ended up being the inspiration for a lot of his paintings during his time in the war he saw a lot of suffering children and this is where he got the idea for the series of crying children paintings after the paintings were sold there began to be reports of fires and all of the places where the paintings were held while this could have just been a strange coincidence the weirdest part is that the paintings always remained intact while everything else around them was burned this quickly became the most talked about thing and was on the front of every newspaper and the paintings quickly gained the nickname Diablo it caused these paintings to end up being replicated and mass-produced but none of the replicas hold quite the same power as the originals in our number nine spot today we have the Blarney Stone for hundreds of years the Blarney Stone has resided within Blarney Castle which is near Cork Ireland this stone is a piece of limestone and Legend says that those who give the stone a smooch will then be given the gift of the gab this little smooch can bestow the power of being able to talk your way out of any situation which would be incredibly useful but there are always those who try to indulge in too much of a good thing the issues start when you attempt to take a piece of the stone no matter how small away from its home those who don't follow the rules and take the stone end up being cursed with bad luck every year the castle receives Parcels from greedy tourists who tread their luck at stealing portions of the stone these Parcels are returned with the intention of lifting the curse of Misfortune it is said that once the stone is returned the curse will be lifted which is most definitely good news I guess the moral of this curse however is to not be greedient to just follow the rules in our number eight spot today we have the screaming skull the screaming skull resides in the Burton Agnes Hall in England and it is thought to have belonged to Catherine Ann Griffith they said that Catherine was the youngest in the family and she was the one who enjoyed wandering around the property the most one day While She Was Out strolling around she ended up being surrounded by a group of robbers who took all of her possessions and then vicious harmed her and left her for dead she was found and brought back to the hall to be tended to but unfortunately a few days later she succumbed to her injuries before she died she was upset about the thought of leaving her family so she asked them to remove her head after death and keep her skull so that they would always have a piece of her around the family agreed to her face but after her passing they buried her body head still intact because to be fair it was an odd request after her burial the family began experiencing some extremely strange things around the house like bumps and moans and horrible blood curdling screams that they could not find the source of this is when they decided to follow through with the request Catherine had left them and the strange occurrences suddenly stopped after this at one point a maid had found the skull and in her surprise she threw it out of a nearby open window and alas the strange occurrences began again in the end it was decided that the best policy was to place the skull in a secret spot within the walls of the house probably behind some paneling in the Great Hall so that its presence could be be easily ignored and so that Catherine's Spirit could reside in peace in her beloved home I guess the lesson of this one is to follow the wishes of those who have passed because you never know if their spirit is gonna stay lingering around afterwards in our number seven spot today we have the haunted doll there's quite a few haunted dolls kicking around out there apparently but this one doesn't exactly have a name the doll's owners say that this doll is possessed and causes lots of troubles at night the incredibly creepy thing about this one is that it is said that you don't need to do anything in order for this doll to decide it wants to haunt you you just simply need to be around it and that is more than enough for the torment to start owners of the doll have reported getting a bunch of strange scratches which they believe are because of the doll it isn't exactly clear where the spirit or spirits that reside in this doll have come from or what happened but the doll was bought from its previous owners by a woman named Deborah Davies who is a psychic Deborah reported the same scratches as the previous owners but she also may have been able to contact this beer residing in the doll she claimed that the spirit was that of a young girl who had her life taken from her but she also reported that the nasty evil energy within the doll is a male and she believes that this energy is that of the man who took the life of the girl at the end of the day whatever is haunting this doll is certainly a spirit I would like to stay far far away from in our number six spot today we have the ballista balls a Ballista was used in the Roman military and it was kind of similar to a crossbow but much larger and it could shoot arrows or stones in 1989 there were archaeologists that were working by the Israeli Syrian border when they found these large Stones close to what seemed to be the remains of a Ballista but around 1995 the stones ended up getting stolen and it took a while for anyone to notice fast forward to 2015 and the same stones that were stolen ended up in the courtyard of a museum in Israel with a note left from the person who stole them the note explained that ever since they took them he had experienced terrible luck and believed the stones were reason he had a very successful business that suddenly began to fail after he took the stones and later his family abandoned him and he was forced to get rid of almost all of his possessions to settle all of his debts so as to not go bankrupt he mentioned that he believed the stones were cursed and that they were the root of all of his problems whether or not these stones are actually cursed or if this was just some pretty heavy Karma I hope this guy has been able to get his life back on track in our number 5 spot today we have the golden eagle this car was a 1964 Dodge 330 limited edition and it has been blamed for the death of around 14 people which is 14 too many if you ask me it was said that this car started out as a police car originally but then there were three officers assigned to this car who all ended up taking their lives and other people's lives in horribly violent ways not in the car but still super weird that this all seemed to happen after they had been using the car for work because of this strange correlation it ended up being sold off to another man throughout the 80s and 90s it was said that because of the rumored cursed car it became a point of interest for vandals people began vandalizing the car only to meet their own untimely Fates which were all met in strange ways for example it was said that one Vandal died from being struck by lightning and another ended up being decapitated by an 18-wheeler it is said that the curse is so strong that one kid decided to merely touch the car and it sent him into madness as he went on to commit atrocious crimes that I can't even detail here on YouTube the card now belongs to Wendy Allen who supposedly collects and decorates haunted cars for a living so it seems as though it's finally found its home far far far away from everyone else in our number four spot today we have the Myrtles Plantation mirror Myrtle's plantation is located in Saint Francisville Louisiana and it is said to be one of the most haunted places in the entire world one of the reasons for this spooky reputation is because of a mirror that resides inside it is said that this mirror holds the spirit of Sarah Woodruff and her two children Legend goes that woman named Chloe was a slave at the plantation who drew up a plan to get revenge on the owners of the plantation Sarah and her husband Chloe baked a cake full of poison for them but it ended up only being Sarah and two of her children who consumed the poisonous cake when they passed away it is said that their Spirits went into the only mirror that was uncovered at the time thus the haunted mirror was born people who have since visited the plantation have claimed to see the family in the reflection as well as the handprints of small children on the glass despite continuous polishing in our number three spot today we have the Surrey ghost car on December 11th of 2002 A call came into the Surrey Police Department the caller reported that they had just seen a car lose control and run off the road and then presumably crash it was of course an emergency call but not necessarily anything out of the ordinary that was until authorities got to the location and realized that they couldn't find any kind of evidence of a crash they kept searching and ended up finding a maroon colored car that was nosed down in a ditch nearby but this car was covered in so much on undergrowth that it must have been here for months this meant that somehow this crash went undetected for five months and worst of all so did the body that lay nearby using dental records they were able to identify the body as a man who had been wanted for robbery since July of that year it is said that the sighting of the car leaving the road was a ghostly replay of the events that had taken place five months prior what do you guys think let me know Down Below in the comments if you think the witness saw a cursed reenactment of the fatal crash or if you think something else is at play here in our number two spot today we have the destiny ring Rudolph Valentino was an incredibly famous silent film star before he passed away at the incredibly young age of just 31 years old and there are many out there who believe his untimely death was caused by the destiny ring this ring was one that he picked up from a California Jeweler before purchasing it there were warnings of the stories which claimed this ring was cursed but Rudolph decided to go ahead with the purchase anyway it is said that after this ring came into his possession his luck began to turn term the movies he starred in started to do poorly some even flopping and his career began to struggle from there he felt incredibly ill and when he passed away he was wearing this cursed ring from there after his death his lover ended up receiving the ring but once it was in her possession she too felt extremely ill and decided to give the ring away all the owners after that were reported to have died in strange ways or under mysterious circumstances which has led the ring to now being placed in a bank vault all locked up so that it hopefully can never cause harm to anyone ever again in our number one spot today we have Letta the doll why do all the cursed dolls look like they would be cursed you know what I mean like there's no cursed doll out there that is surprisingly cursed they all look creepy to begin with anyway Letta is a doll that is said to be around 200 years old and extremely cursed this doll is called Letta for short as its full name is letting me out of here really clever the doll was originally found underneath a house which definitely feels like the origins story of a haunted doll This creepy Discovery came 47 years ago and apparently let us still lives with the man who found him the hauntings of Letta include things like the doll walking around on its own at night the owners finding objects around the house that have been moved into odd places some people have seen let him move right in front of their own eyes and the owner also reports finding little doll-sized scuff marks around the house as well it is said that this doll once belonged to a child who passed away while holding it thus their Spirit became trapped inside of the doll Apparently one day in an interview about Letta as the interviewer was asking questions about the little boy the doll began to move in her lap yeah no thank you let it has his own Instagram and Facebook page in case you want to hear more about all the creepiness surrounding this cursed doll kicking off this list in her number 10 spot we have the crying children paintings these paintings were a series created by an Italian painter who is known as Giovanni braglan but his real name was Bruno Amarillo Bruno was born in Venice in 11 and fought in World War II which ended up being the inspiration for a lot of his paintings during his time in the war he saw a lot of suffering children and this is where he got the idea for the series of the crying children paintings after the paintings were sold there began to be reports of fires in all of the places where the paintings were held while this could have just been a strange coincidence the weirdest part is that the paintings always remained intact while everything else around them was burned this quickly became the most talked about thing and was on the front of every newspaper and the paintings quickly gained to the nickname Diablo it caused these paintings to end up being replicated and mass-produced but none of the replicas hold quite the same Powers as The Originals moving on to number nine we have the stoop chair that once belonged to Thomas Busby Thomas was a man who lived in thirsk North Yorkshire and wasn't known as a very nice man but he really loved his chair in 1702 he found his father-in-law sitting in it and it sparked in argument between the two the father-in-law threatened to take his daughter back and that's when Busby kicked him out of the house after this Busby ended up going over to the father-in-law's house and actually kills him with a hammer and then hid the body in the woods of course the body ended up being found and this led to Busby getting convicted and sentenced to death it is said that on his ride to his execution he asked to stop by his favorite Pub for a beer and this request was fulfilled apparently as he finished his drink he said May sudden death come to anyone who dare sit in my chair I really don't know what it is with this guy in his chair but while it currently resides in The Thirst Museum it has been recorded that many terrible Fates have been met by the people who have sat in the chair in 1972 it was decided to hang the chair from the ceiling so that no one could sit in it again which is probably for the best would you have sat in the chair if you had the chance moving on to number eight we have the anguished man while it is unknown who and when it was created this painting is set to carry some kind of curse it is rumored that whoever created it mixed his blood in with the oil paint and when it was finished being created he ended up committing inside when a woman who is referred to as Mrs Robinson originally took possession of the painting after it was given to her by a family friend she immediately knew that something was wrong with it she ended up passing it along to her grandson Sean Who currently still owns the painting The Robinson family has reported many different strange events that have happened in relation to the painting such as hearing screams and groans coming from it Sean has even uploaded videos to YouTube where he shows these paranormal events I'm not sure why the family has decided to keep the painting but I guess as long as it's not hurting anyone it's okay continuing on to number seven we have the real life Annabelle doll when I saw the 2014 Annabelle movie I had no idea it was actually based on a real life doll the doll now resides inside of Warren's occult Museum where it absolutely belongs there was a college student named Donna who received the doll as a gift from her mother who had purchased it from an antique store Donna and her roommate started to notice some pretty creepy things happening and swore that the doll was moving they said it would appear in different places and positions throughout their apartment before things began to escalate Donna began to find notes that said help in her apartment and one night found the doll in a different position and covered in some sort of red substance the girls then decided to contact a medium who solidified all of their beliefs and told them that the doll had been possessed by the spirit of someone who was killed in their apartment building for some reason the girls didn't immediately get rid of the doll and The Story Goes that their friend Lou Who was at the girl's apartment heard strange noises one night and went to investigate and he was then attacked and killed by Annabelle the girls finally contacted a priest who told them that the doll was possessed by a demon Straight From Hell and then put them in contact with Ed and Lorraine Warren who are paranormal investigators they tried to do an exorcism on the doll but it apparently failed and now it is kept in a glass box in the museum I didn't know that a glass box is the safest place for a paranormal item but as long as it isn't hurting anyone that's the important thing moving on to number six we have the ballista balls a Ballista was used in the Roman military and it was kind of similar to a crossbow but much larger and could shoot arrows and stones in 1989 there were some archaeologists that were working by the Israeli Syrian border when they found these large Stones close to what seemed to be the remains of a Ballista but around 1995 the stones ended up getting stolen but it took a while for anyone to notice fast forward to 2015 and the same stones that were stolen ended up in the courtyard of the museum in Israel with a note left from the person who stole them the note explained that ever since they took them he had experienced terrible luck and believed the stones were the reason he had a very successful business that suddenly began to fail after he took the stones and later his family abandoned him and he was forced to get rid of almost all all of his possessions to settle all of his debts so as to not go bankrupt he mentioned that he believed the stones were cursed and that they were the root of all of his problems whether or not these stones are actually cursed or this was just some pretty heavy Karma I hope this guy has been able to get his life back on track halfway down the list in our number five spot we have the goddess of death statue who is also known as the woman from the Lem this artifact made out of limestone was created sometime around 3500 BC and was found in Cyprus in 1878. over the years it has belonged to many different families who all have been ruined and dismantled by death after the first six years of ownership all seven members of The First Family died it then moved on to a second owner and after four years death began to come to him and his family there was then a long period where it was unclaimed but once the third family got a hold of it several members of that family began to die as well the third family ended up turning it over to the Royal Scottish Museum where it's thankfully still resides moving on to number four we have the Hope Diamond the Hope Diamond was most likely cut from a mine in India and placed in a statue it is a huge 45 carats and has a beautiful rare blue color it is one of the most famous diamonds in the world partially for its beauty but also because of all of the mysterious happenings surrounding it one day a thief stole the diamond and is said to have died quite soon after from then on anyone who owned or even touched the diamond was said to have met an ill fate whether it was side a massacre or a pack of wild dogs the diamond seemed to have placed a curse on any and everyone who got near it in 1958 it was fortunately donated to the Smithsonian and has been safe there ever since I wonder if it got moved from the museum if the curse would continue moving on to number three we have the dibbuk box the box which was originally just a plain old wine box is said to have been possessed by a dibbuk which in Jewish mythology is a malicious demon the Box began to gain attention in 2001 when it was being auctioned off on eBay the seller explained that he had bought it at an estate sale of a woman who had survived the Holocaust when he first opened the book he found two 1920s pennies a lock of blonde hair bound with a cord a lock of black or brown hair bound with a cord a small statue engraved with the Hebrew word Shalom a small golden wine goblet one dried Rosebud and a single candle holder with four octopus shaped legs since he bought the box he reported that strange things began happening such as really horrific nightmares for him and anyone who had stayed around or touched the box and when he gave the box to his mother as a birthday gift she suffered a stroke the same day the Box ended up in the hands of Zach Bagan who is a Paranormal Investigator and it now resides in his haunted Museum the box also gained even more attention in 2018 when post Malone touched it and has apparently been dealing with the repercussions of that ever since coming on to number two we have the dark mirror the dark mirror now belongs to the traveling Muse Museum of the occult who got it from The Mirror's original owner the mirror is said to show some pretty unsettling images when you stare into it the original owner said that they purchased it from a psychic fair in the Columbus area and were shocked with the Visions they saw when looking into the glass visitors to the traveling Museum have claimed to see some pretty crazy things such as their own corpse when they gaze into the mirror it's pretty creepy stuff in our number one spot today we have the cursed portrait of Spanish military leader Bernardo de Galvez Bernardo was born in Spain in 1746 and died under strange circumstances in 1786 and was famous for helping American colonies in the war of independence the painting is on display at the Galvis hotel in Galveston Texas which is said to be one of the most haunted hotels in part because of this portrait the portrait is at the end of a hallway in the hotel and guests have reported the eyes following their every move people also report a cold or uncomfortable feeling when they get close to the painting and and this is said to be bernardo's Spirit some people even swear they can feel him following them around the hotel it is also said that any picture you try and take of the portrait will come out blurry and distorted unless you ask Bernardo for permission foreign.



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