Men in Black Scary Story Time

Men in Black Scary Story Time
son what's up got it hey i'm sapphire want to hear something scary [Music] before we head into our next chapter make sure you subscribe to snarled and turn on the bell for notifications and stick around after this episode for some exciting announcements our next story is a true close encounter of a strange kind from McCall in Montana a friend of Megan's it was the winter of 2013 McCall had just finished his first year of wildland firefighting and to celebrate he and his friend Coby went to his cabin far off in the woods and mountains of Montana McCollum also bought himself a 44 magnum revolver which he brought along with him McCall and Colby spent the day gathering wood and once it got dark out they burned the wood in the fire pit in front of the cabin they were playing music through a Bluetooth speaker sipping beers and hanging out about five minutes had passed when McCall heard a sound coming from behind the cabin they both paused it was probably just the wind or something McCall threw another log onto the fire and they continued talking a few minutes later they heard it again did you hear that yeah it's probably just some cattle or something cattle don't make noise like that they tried to think of what could possibly be the source of this strange almost rhythmic sound maybe it was the trees freezing but it wasn't cold enough for that the nearest neighbor wasn't for a few miles with someone messing with him hey who's there McCall tried to sound as intimidating as possible despite being scared shitless if you don't stop I'm going to shoot they waited we call shot his gun at a nearby tree as a warning when the ringing in their ears began to fade they heard a low deep guttural growl McCall knows what all the animals on Montana sound like Cougars smooth black bears badgers coyotes wolves but this he had never heard a growl like this before and it sounded like a warning McCall and Colby ran inside the cabin locked the doors and close the blinds the following morning they walked outside to where the sounds came from to see if they could find any tracks something to give them an idea of what was there but the fresh fallen layer of snow had covered any evidence the following summer McCall and Colby returned to the cabin McCall's uncle had recently passed away and a mountain retreat was just what he needed at this point they had completely forgotten about the strange sounds last winter they arrived at the cabin early in the morning and spent the day gathering firewood once it got dark they decided to stop and go inside for a break McCall made a large pot of coffee to stay awake as they planned on staying up later to make a bonfire the living room of the cabin had a couch that faced the front door next to the door was a large window with the curtains pulled back it was completely pitch black outside McCall and Colby were relaxing on the couch sipping their mugs when suddenly a flash of light appeared outside moments later another flash and another with every flash McCall heard what sounded like the shutter of a camera like someone was taking photos McCall turned to Coby do you see that the look on his face was enough of an answer the flashing lights continued for ten more minutes and then silence they heard footsteps soft slow dragging along the ground Sun was up they were miles away from anyone else somebody had traveled a very long way to get to them McCall and Colby grabbed their rifles and follow the sound as it made its way to the front door it stopped despite having just drank two cups of coffee McCall began to feel tired heavy it was like someone had just switched his brain to slow motion he could faintly hear Colby say something in the air McCall McCall wake up it was morning McCall was on the floor next to his bed how did I get here I don't know but I woke up in the middle of the hallway do you remember what happened last night I remember the footsteps at the door and then I think we both passed out but check this out they walked downstairs to the living room Colby pointed towards the front door both their rifles leaned neatly against the door right where they aimed them last night did you put those there no did somebody enter their house everybody's still there when they left later that day there was a black Dodge Ram with tinted windows parked on the mountain about a mile away from a calls cabin it probably wouldn't have caught McCall's i if he hadn't known so much about the men since about half a century ago people who had witnessed ufos or other unexplained phenomena also claimed to be visited by mysterious men in black suits and ties usually these men threatened the witness to never speak of what they saw these are the men in black an organization whose job is to keep us from the what's really out there did McCall and Colby unknowingly witnessed something they weren't supposed to and did the men in black pay a visit to make sure they wouldn't tell anyone unfortunately there's no way to find out for sure but if this video suddenly disappears with no explanation I'll let you decide why want to wear something scary head over to stored snarl comm to get a snarl or something scary hoodie for a limited time they're only available until March 19th so get them before they're gone snarls and our gaming channels play tricks are now partnered with discord we're hosting a game night today March 13th at 4 p.m. Pacific will be using discord voice channel to talk to you and you can talk directly to us the link to join the discord is in the description down below like this video if it gave you the chills and don't forget to subscribe to snarled and our sister channels hissy fit and slay tricks if you or anyone you know have any unique paranormal experiences send me an email at something scary at snarled comm and I might animate your story even if it doesn't fit in with the current theme it might say 1 in the future and if your story doesn't make it into an episode tune in to my weekly live stream every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time and I might read it live if you dare follow me on Instagram Twitter and Facebook until next time sweet dreams



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