Terrifying Urban Legends in Japanese Schools

Terrifying Urban Legends in Japanese Schools
however you have to be careful of the cherry blossoms blooming within the schools well what's even more crazy is that some people believe that there will be laser beams coming out of Beethoven's eyes [Music] and welcome to let's ask shogo it's summer in Japan and in Japan summer is often said to be the perfect season for spine chilling ghost stories I get tons of requests for a video of this theme and it's a little scary but I'll do my best so today I would like to introduce you to the seven horrifying mysteries of Japanese schools the Mysteries I introduce will get more and more terrifying towards the end so please enjoy this video till the end the seven Mysteries differ depending on the region of Japan and some people say that there are actually more than 30 if you count them all so the seven I'll introduce today are the ones that I heard growing up as a child in Japan I hope you can search for more mysteries of Japanese schools if you are interested and also please let me know about your favorite Yokai and ghosts in the comments after watching this video and this channel you can take closer look at Japanese traditional culture tips on traveling Kyoto as social problems in Japan so Learners lovers of Japanese culture be sure to subscribe to enjoy more content [Music] one the 13 steps so let's start from something that's slightly less scary there is a rumor that stares the Japanese schools with 12 steps will increase the 13 steps when you climb them late at night and if you accidentally step on that 13th Step you will be taken to another world there are others who say that there will be a rope that'll drop from above the 13th Step for hanging Yourself by the way I've actually purely counted the number of steps of my school when I was young to see if this rumor is real but it had 15 Steps so I wasn't able to see the end of the story [Music] appears in many stories but when she counts as one of the seven School Mysteries there is a specific way of summoning her first you go to the bathroom on the third floor of the school then you knock on the doors of the girls restroom three times each and ask are you there then from the third compartment of voiceful answer yes and a girl with a red skirt and a bowl cut comes out to drag you into the bathroom once you are Dragged In You will never be able to come out is probably the most popular School ghost but how was her story born there are many theories but I'd like to introduce the most common one hanakosan was actually a victim of a horrific crime in 1937 there was a forced suicide incident in an elementary school in iwatin prefecture a woman jealous of her cheating husband decides to commit suicide and take all the children along with her however one of her daughters noticed something wrong about her mother and stayed at school without going home there she was cornered by her angry mother and was eventually killed in the third straw of the bathroom off the third floor there are various other Original Stories a girl caught by a pervert in a school bathroom a girl who jumped to her death and so on in any case they're all very horrifying and scary stories by the way hanako was a popular name around two generations ago and was probably a nickname because the real name was not known that's why she looks like a typical school girl from my grandparents generation [Music] three the music room then next let's head towards the music room you'll be able to meet a lot of ghosts at night here too the most famous ones are the moving portraits of famous composers and the piano that plays on its own Japanese school urban legend music rooms generally have portraits of Mozart Beethoven and other famous composers hanging on the walls it is said that these portraits start to move at midnight it's not just the eyes moving but some say that they smile or frown or even cry while it's even more crazy is that some people believe that there will be laser beams coming out of Beethoven's eyes which moves the objects within the music room there is probably not much of a reason to this bizarre phenomenon children were probably simply scared of seeing someone's face in the dark late at night there's also a well-known mystery in which a piano plays by itself even though no one is supposed to be there some say that it's a ghost of a female student who loved playing the piano or just some floating wrists while there is blood Dream from the ceiling for some reason the most famous Theory suggests that borlise is played it is sad that you will die if you hear that song four times the number four is considered to be bad luck because it is a homonym to death in Japanese but I have a question for you why on Earth would you stay in such a horrifying place to listen to the song four times you've probably been enjoying the performance haven't you thank you so much for listening to my performance the concert fee will be your life [Music] four the moving statue of uh sugar can I ask you something who the heck is it seems that there are fewer and fewer schools now but until about my parents generation there are many schools that had a statue of nomya kinjiro in the schoolyard the school that I attended did not have one but I have seen one in a nearby School in the community is a Statesman agriculturalist and philosopher from the late Edo period who is well known to all Japanese it is said that he rebuilt his fallen family by studying and fighting against social norms as a peasant and even helped rebuild 600 more Villages throughout his life it is said that as a child he studied hard even while supporting his poor family and his hard work was displayed as statues at various schools as a role model for students while Nino Mia is a very much respected figure among the students in the past he was actually why another horror story was born many students believe that at night the number of firewood on his back will change the pages of his book will churn or Worse the statue of ninomia itself will be walking around the schoolyard the worst thing you can do is count the number of firewood he carries because it is believed to kill you or get you cursed just like the music room we went to earlier children were basically scared of things with human figures but this mystery is starting to be forgotten because there are hardly any more ninomia statues in schools what happened unfortunately the image of the hard-working minomia didn't seem to suit the modern way of thinking anymore as it was criticized as we shouldn't Force our children to work and walking while looking down and reading a book is dangerous because it might promote texting while walking even if you're a statue that can freely move around at night you you cannot beat the angry parents we might not have the statues of nomia as schools anymore but I really hope his stories of hard work will be passed down to the Next Generation [Music] 5. the cherry blossoms of blood I'm sure many people associate Japan with the beautiful cherry blossoms however you have to be careful of the cherry blossoms blooming within the schools it's because there's someone's body buried under the tree and that person's blood is what dies the petals pink it originally came from a Horror Story titled under the sakura tree by a writer who was active from the Thai show to the show up periods by the way there is a way to find out if there is a dead body buried under a cherry blossom tree at a school on April 4th 4 44 PM if you walk counterclockwise around the tree the petals will all fall off and turn bright red but strictly speaking what changes the color of the petals isn't the soil but it's actually the change in temperature though [Music] 6. the white and red hands and the red and blue paper listening to so many horrifying stories I'm pretty sure you want to go to the bathroom again just now we set our greetings to hanuko-san but this time let's actually use a toilet to meet a different horror it is the hands coming out of the toilets the white hand red hand are ghosts that suddenly touch your bottom when you're sitting on the toilet these pervert ghosts are believed to appear in the bathrooms on the Northern side of the school just like the number four is considered a cursed number North is also associated with bath luck because it's believed to be the direction which Buddha's head was facing when he passed away after doing your business on the perfect ghost hands you notice that there isn't any paper this is when you'll be meeting another ghost the red and blue paper a voice out of nowhere will ask you if you would like to have red or blue paper if you answer red you will die losing too much blood and if you answer blue you will be suffocated to death this mystery is believed to be born from the rituals in the past of making paper dolls of men and women with red and blue paper to worship the toilet Gods by the way there are some theories in some regions that say you must answer yellow paper in order to survive I have no clue why though do you have any ideas [Music] seven take a ticket finally the last mystery although she is very famous I still wanted to introduce her last as the most overwhelmingly terrifying being yes the the kid a female student with only her upper body she is so called because of the picky thickest sound she makes as she crawls around the ground with her two arms what's crazy is that despite having only an upper body she will chase you at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour there is a very famous story about her when a male student was walking through the schoolyard to go home she saw a girl smiling down at him from the window of the school building because they thought that she might be our girl that liked him he was encouraged by his friends to go back to the school building to see her but when he got to the floor where she was he found out that she didn't have the lower half of her body the moment he realized this she attacked the male student with unbelievable speed despite the fact that she was only using her elbows no one saw the male student thereafter how however it is said that ticket herself has a very sad past a high school girl was run over by a train in mid-winter in Hokkaido Japan's northernmost Island she was split in half upper and lower body when the police officers were collecting her body parts they were surprised to know that she was still alive only with her upper body winter and Hokkaido can go as low as 30 degrees Celsius the cold kept her alive without losing too much blood however the frightened policeman put a plastic bag over her upper body as if she was dead so she is still driven by feelings of grudges and is still searching for the lower half of her body but this Horror Story is just a Onibaba Japanese urban legend if you're hit by a train running at full speed you will actually be torn into pieces and minus 30 degrees Celsius is not enough to completely freeze a large wound but the part of the story where the policemen get rid of her because they thought she was creepy sounds oddly realistic by the way if you'd like to learn more about pick of the game there are movies and video games about her so I hope you can check them out however I will not take any responsibility if you get cursed then lastly today's conclusion I introduced the seven horrifying School mysteries in Japan I grew up listening to 1. the 13 steps at night the stairs of a school that only has 12 steps were turned into 13 and those who step on it are believed to be taken to a different world is a young girl you can meet in the third compartment of a third floor bathroom if you knock the doors of each room ask me if she's there she'll drag you into third stall and you'll never be able to come out three the music room Japanese urban legend school music rooms generally have portraits of Baja Mozart and other famous composers hanging on the walls and at night it is believed that their eyes move and facial expressions change there's an even more crazy theory that says that laser beams will come out of Beethoven's eyes which moves the objects inside the room also there is a piano that plays on its own while there's blood dripping from the ceiling 4. the moving statue of statue used to be placed in many schools in Japan as a role model for children because he was a hard worker and saved many people's lives 5. the cherry blossoms of blood It is believed that the cherry blossoms growing within Japanese schools have someone's dead body buried under it and their blood is what makes the pallets pink 6. the red and white hand the red and blue paper if you use the toilet facing north in schools at night there will be hands touching your bottom also you will hear a voice asking you what color paper you want red or blue and you'll be killed no matter what the only way to survive is to answer that you want in yellow paper seven is a ghost of a female student with only her upper body and her name comes from the tequite sound she makes as she crawls along the ground with her two arms with only her elbows she will chase you as beads up up to 100 kilometers per hour so that's it for today thank you very much for watching if this video gave you some nice Goosebumps.



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