Pooka The Irish Prankster

Pooka The Irish Prankster
Falta a while your friends today we're gonna talk about the pooka and find it all about the Irish urban legend if you enjoy the video please hit a light bulb if we can get the twenty likes that will be amazing and as always if you're new subscribe so you never miss one of our videos now grab a cup of tea and relax as we delve into the urban legend of the pooka a puka is a shapeshifter and can take any form a chooses usually it is seen in the form of a dog Robert gorsh goblin or even an old man traditionally a puka is seen as a derrick sleek horse with a long wild flowing mane and luminescent coal and ice an important thing to always remember about a puka is that to have the power of human speech and when inclined to make great sport of dollars to talk to as they like to embellish and the truth in Ireland the pooka seems to be the most feared very possibly cause appears only at night and enjoys creating havoc initiative we feel this is doing the pooka a grave injustice because there are no recorded incidences of the pooka actually causing a human anyhow many small mountainous lakes and Springs in Ireland are called pupils or paula fuga which means puka or demon hole some of these are found at sources of major Irish rivers such as the Liffey that runs through Dublin City or the river ban which is the longest river in the north of Ireland that runs through the town of Colerain during the Christianization of Ireland the process of converting the pagan population to Christianity some of the poker pools were renamed to st. Patrick Wells pukas can be found in any rural location every county in Ireland has it's very own Puka they're like open mountainous areas so that they can run free while in horse form past history records many sightings of puka all over the country but the most famous stories about an animal spirit that gave its name to the paula fuga hall of pukka at the boundary of the river liffey between the counties clare and Whitlow presently this is the site of a hydroelectric power station where the river flows through a narrow Gorge before plunging 150 feet in three stages under the second dropped her as a pool and this is called Hall of pukka Irish otter portrait Farrell narrates a story which was inspired by a written account of an anonymous caller man the writer also has an interest in postscript at the end in November 1813 Claire hunts known as killing Claire said Ashe having indulged in traditional stirrup cope a tipper crossroads nearness won't fail to raise a fox until it was approaching tipper cabin north of Bali more use this canticle air here a large Fox appeared and led a course towards Livie simultaneously an unmounted black horse appeared that did not belong to any of the riders it was pooka urban legend the train was difficult than the Fox ran fast so that nearly fee only one of the members of the hunt a man named Grenon and a horse who was really a puka remained with the pack the gorgeous and false Bay but hounds were gaining on the quarry and it started a picked her way across rocks seen the danger gredin attempted to recall the hounds but the pooka ahead of them was tempting them on routes the Fox headed for a Ledge on a narrow part of the gorge and then seen the pukas red eyes spitting fire the fox jumped it missed the ledge falling into the turbulent waters below the pooka easily left across the gorge disappearing into the woodlands with the pack of hounds heard on the sand - the Fox were heading headlong into the pool looking down Grannis off Fox and Hounds desperately trying to swim to safety in this world in swell but her hounds dashed against rocks were yelping in pain and dying he wept as most of the pack went under suddenly his sorrow gave way to terror he heard a diabolical name like an animal laughing from the woods opposite grana knew at that moment in time it was indeed Puka he was dealing with that was a story of the Eclair puja there are a lot of superstitions across times about pukas that are still observed in Ireland these superstitions vary depending on which region you happen to find yourself in although there seem to be common ground when you talk about a puka some of the stories are alike and just differ under minor details when a puka isn't horse for him he tends to have fun by inviting a rider to jump on his back this usually happens when a rider has had a little too much to drink and his making his weary way home from the pub dough starts the wireless trip the rider will ever known for the Polka loves to terrify the rider with his great prowess and jumping over hedges and rocks and making death-defying leaps come the gray dawn the rider is trolling off the horses back and left trembling but none the worse from the night's events to find his way back home this is maybe where the reputation slips a bit as while in a wild night house like this they do tend to run to crop fields and knock down fences without a care [Music] the only man who ever successfully write a puka was the high king of ireland and founder of the o'brien dynasty brian boru mimic antic a more commonly known as brian boru brian managed to control the magic of the creature by using a special bridle which used tree hairs for pukas tail brian's physical prowess meant he was able to stay on its back and until exhausted the pooka surrendered to brian the king forced it to agree to two promises first that had no longer tormented christian people and ruined her property and second that it would never again attacking Irishmen except those who were drunk or were abroad with evil intent at all polka agreed it appears to have forgotten his promises over the years in entertain the poker love as with all his Irish people is the chat and we'll happily stop and shoot the breeze with him sometimes giving great advice and making exceptional prophecies in some rural areas you will see housed I'll have a bench on the right side of the door and the gay post on the right will be smooth whereas on the left or a beer rockery or some sort of uncomfortable mount this is because a good poker will always sit in the right and the more mischievious price will favor the left to tend to use the same opening gambit to introduce himself it would be something like you were new here I think many years ago I used to live here one of his favorite topics is about how the family lost his fortune worse when letter to money and Lance the odd thing about a conversation with a puka is that you may have sat and shadow him for about an hour but suddenly he disappears without saying goodbye they never say goodbye you'll be left wondering if the past hour was real don't never leave any sign that were there November 1st is considered pookas day this coincides with the harvest and the traditional customs that when the haves has been brought in the Reaper must leave a few starts behind this is called a puka share and must be left to appease the poker because we for one would not like to incur his wrath it is said that when we see rain falling on a sunny day which it does a lot in Ireland the pooka will definitely make an appearance that night also berries that have been killed by a frosty overnight should never be eaten as it is pookas fish that is on them and would render them poisonous the pooka and all of his shapes and forms has meted into many books and films one of the most famous is Harvey the six-foot white rabbit from the player by Mary chase immortalized in the film by Jimmy Stewart or the infamous scene and Darby O'Gill and the little people when the pooka scares therapy into falling down the well and he first meets King Brian with leprechauns many modern films that pookas appearing in animal form as well for example there's an a.1 film Donnie Darko a puka in rabbit form encourages Donnie to do malicious acts which have a positive and negative result on the people around him I believe that there are many on documents reports of puka in this day and age from people that are simply just too embarrassed to reveal them the problem is that not many people are aware that anything unusual has happened until the pooka has left and of course when adversity does strike this entity is never around hidden in its supernatural realm it revels enjoyed watching humans and during the effects of its wicked creation have you ever experienced poker or something unusual in your life let us know in the comments and tell us about your story thank you all so much for watching if you liked our video please hit the like button and subscribe to our channel for more videos on the strange and eerie goings on is until next time good night and good luck.



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